Monday, February 20, 2012

Mint and Coconut Chutney

Mint and Coconut Chutney
This is an extremely easy coconut chutney recipe I found in a book, South Indian Cooking by Sagunabai Monsingh. The book belonged to my grandmother and was published in 1970. It's the first recipe I've tried from it and since this chutney turned out to be great, I am going to try a few more recipes soon. It is a spicy chutney, so hold back on the red chilies if you don't like very hot food. It is meant to be eaten with dosas, idlis, or vadas.

1 pkt frozen shredded coconut
1 small bunch fresh mint
3 dry red chilies
3 cloves garlic
Salt to taste
1-2 tsp white vinegar (to taste)
1/2 tsp sugar

Grind the coconut, mint, garlic, and chilies to a fine paste in a food processor. Add the vinegar, salt, and sugar, and mix well. Serve cold or at room temperature with hot dosas.

*Dry red chilies are available at most Indian stores. They are extremely, extremely spicy.When you handle them, make sure you wash your hands immediately after, and do not rub your eyes without washing your hands. For this recipe, the chilies do not have to be cut, slit, or deseeded. They just go straight from the packet, into the cooker. If the chilies in the packet are broken, just put an estimate of the quantity.

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