Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fried Fish

This fish dish is extremely easy and very common in a Parsi household. At my house, fried fish is usually eaten on an auspicious day, like a birthday or anniversary, with a plain dal and rice. I am not a big fan of fish, until I discovered Tilapia that is, which really isn't a very fishy flavored fish, if you know what I mean. So now we make this fried fish very often, even on an ordinary day. You can try it with any fish you like, it doesn't have to be Tilapia.

All this talk of fried fish reminds me of a tongue-twister by Dr. Seuss that I learned as a kid. See if you can say it super quick while your fish is cooking. If you're not a tongue-twister kind of person, then skip it and go on to the recipe.

Fresh Fresher Freshest by Dr. Seuss

Do you like fresh fish?
It’s just fine at Finney’s Diner.
Finney also has some fresher fish
that’s fresher and much finer.
But his best fish is his freshest fish
and Finney says with pride,
“The finest fish at Finney’s
is my freshest fish, French-fried!”
don't order the fresh
or the fresher fish.
At Finney’s if you’re wise,
you'll say,
“Fetch me the finest
French-fried freshest
fish that Finney fries!”

4 fillets Tilapia
salt to taste
turmeric powder to taste
chili powder to taste
Few curry leaves (optional)
2-3 green chilies (optional)
2-3 tbsp oil (for frying)

Marinate the fish in a generous amount of salt, chili, and turmeric powders and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Heat oil in a frying pan. Once the oil is hot, put in the curry leaves and chilies. Fry until the curry leaves are crisp and the chilies are well browned on both sides. Set them aside on a plate lined with a paper-towel. Line a second plate with a paper-towel for the fish too.

Once the curry leaves and chilies are done, put the fish into the frying pan, one or two pieces at a time. You must give yourself enough room to turn the fish. After 3-5 minutes check that the fish is starting to brown and crisp-up on the bottom. If it is then turn it over. Fry till the fish is cooked, and place on the paper-towel lined plate. Fry the other pieces and serve immediately with rice and dal, and garnish with the curry leaves and chilies.

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