Monday, August 20, 2012

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese
To placate my husband's unhappy looks, when he found out we were having soup for dinner, I decided to make him this sandwich to eat with the soup. As you might have guessed... he does not like soup very much. 

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese

2 slices bread, whole wheat
2-4 Slices Pepperoni
1 slice Cheddar cheese
Fresh Ground Pepper

Spread some mayonnaise on one slice of bread. Place the pepperoni on it. Then put a generous amount of crushed pepper. Next add the slice of cheese and top it with the second slice of bread. Place it in the toaster oven and, well…. toast. When it’s browned, remove and cut into triangles. Serve immediately with Cucumber and Basil Soup.

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