Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chicken and Vegetable Frittata

My weekly CSA is still churning out scallop squash and zucchini faster than we can eat them, and so in an attempt to use as much of it as possible, I decided to make this Frittata. To my understanding, a frittata is a big, fat omelet full of vegetables or meats, and can have an infinite number of fillings. In fact, you can put in anything you like. So here is a quick and easy dinner idea.

Chicken and Vegetable Frittata
 Chicken and Vegetable Frittata
1 breast roast chicken, shredded
2 Scallop squash, diced fine
1 zucchini, diced fine
3 sweet peppers (any variety), diced fine
1 tsp oregano
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 tbsp chili flakes
Ground smoked paprika for seasoning
6 eggs, well beaten
1 ½ cups milk

Place all the vegetables in a frying pan with a tall lip. Put on the stove, on high. Mix in all the herbs except the paprika. Once the vegetables start to soften, add the chicken. Cook for another minute or two so that the chicken mixes with the herbs well. Add a tablespoon of water at a time, if need be.

In a bowl, beat together the eggs and milk. Add a little salt, if desired. Pour the eggs into the frying pan and turn the stove down to low. Place a lid on the frying pan to help the egg cook. DO NOT STIR. When about half cooked, sprinkle the top with smoked paprika. Remove from stove when the egg is fully cooked. Serve hot.

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