Monday, October 19, 2015

Last Week's Menus - October 12th - 16th

This last week has been pretty hectic. My husband has been working on German time, so he's been up by 3am and on conference calls all morning and afternoon. On the plus side, he's been coming home from work early and we've been getting to bed pretty early. We've also moved up our son's dinner time by an hour to 6-6:30 PM, to help him try to go to bed a little earlier (which hasn't really worked yet - but one can hope).

In addition to making dinner, I've been getting ready to can some apple sauce all week. We went apple picking last Sunday and I've been prepping everything in stages. First, I washed all the apples and let them dry, then a couple of days later, cored and cooked them, the next day, they got blended and the next they got reheated and canned. So all in all, a full week long process. This does, however, mean that we now have enough apple sauce for the coming year. Yippeee...

Tuesday - BBQ  Roast Chicken, Brussels Sprouts, and a ready salad
Friday - Scrambled Eggs and Polish Kielbasa

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