Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bacon and Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto

Bacon and Mushroom
 Brown Rice ‘Mock’ Risotto
Nothing says comfort food quite like a risotto on a cold, rainy day. But Risotto isn’t a quick and snappy recipe for the weekday. It can be a tedious process but the results are always worth it. I’ve made this kind of brown rice ‘mock’ risotto only twice. The idea is to use a healthy brown rice instead of the Arborio rice that is traditionally used. Also, it allows me to use my brown rice in a slightly different way, than the usual plain boiled rice.

Now there are two things you should know: Firstly, I have never actually cooked a risotto before, this recipe is my take on one. I know the gist of it is to keeping adding a little water at a time and hence it's a risotto to me.

Secondly, this is a very easy but time consuming recipe. There is nothing complicated about standing over a pan and adding a little water and stirring, but expect to be doing so for a full hour to two. This creamy, flavorful dish will be worth it.

Bacon and Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto

5 strips bacon, chopped
12 oz mushrooms, sliced
1 medium yellow pepper, chopped fine
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 cups brown rice
6-8 cups chicken stock
½ cup white wine (I used a Sauvignon Blanc)
2 tsp Italian seasoning
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
¼ cup shredded mild cheddar
Parsley for garnish

In a large skillet, fry bacon till almost crisp. Set aside on a paper towel, and remove most of the bacon fat into a small bowl. In the same skillet, sauté the mushrooms in a little salt and pepper. Once soft, remove to bowl.
Cover Rice With Just Enough Stock

While the bacon is cooking, place all the stock in a saucepan and warm. Constantly adding cold stock to your rice will prolong the already long cooking time. Adding hot stock to the rice will not bring the overall temperature in the skillet down during cooking, and will allow the rice to cook more evenly.

Place the reserved bacon fat back into the skillet, heat on medium high, and add the onions and pepper. Cook till the peppers are soft and the onion is translucent. Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, and the wine. Allow the wine to evaporate, then add the rice, mix it well, and then add 1 to 1 ½ cups of stock. Until the rice is covered in liquid, but not swimming in it. Allow it to come to a slow boil, then turn the flame down to a low simmer. Stir every 5 minutes or so, and add 1 to 1 ½ cups of stock every time it starts to dry. Continue this process until the rice is fully cooked. Once cooked, allow the rice to dry out; the bottom will start to stick, so stir frequently.

Switch off the flame, add in the bacon, mushrooms, and cheese and mix well. Garnish with chopped parsley.

*I used 3 cups of stock and then used water after that. 
* I didn't have any parsley in the house, so I used cilantro as garnish instead and it was surprisingly good. 

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