Friday, April 24, 2015

Fennel Green Peas

I make it a point to always have some vegetables in our dinner, and despite my husband's best efforts, potatoes to do not count. So I'm constantly trying to add a quick vege side dish to our table. This was a snappy creation in which I threw in the aniseed just to change up the same boring flavor that I always seem to give my vegetables. It turned out pretty well and was done in 15 minutes.

Fennel Green Peas
1 tsp heaped Fennel seeds
1 bag frozen peas
1/2 tsp chili powder 
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
Salt to taste
Garnish: 1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped

Spray the pan with a little oil and heat. put in the fennel seeds and roast until they start to pop; immediately add the peas and mix well. Next add the powders and salt and a little water. Turn down to a simmer, cover, and stir occasionally, adding a little water at a time. Do not boil the peas, add only enough water to keep them wet. Once the peas are cooked, take the lid off and dry up the water in the pan. Garnish with chopped cilantro and serve. 

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