Saturday, February 2, 2013

Roasted Garlic, Pepper, and Squash Soup

I made this soup from one of my left over CSA squash. I decided to mix two recipes that I found online, and it turned out really well. The chili changed the entire flavor of the soup.

Roasted Garlic, Pepper, and Squash Soup
1 hubbard squash
1 pod garlic, peeled
2 red peppers
2 onions, cut into 6
4-6 cups beef stock
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground sage
1 tbsp ground pepper
A pinch of nutmeg powder
1 serrano chilie
1 cup cream
Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the whole squash into the oven on a tray and bake till soft, about 1 hour. In a separate tray, place the chopped onions. Remove the tops of the peppers, and remove all the seeds and extra stems. Then distribute the garlic between both peppers and place it in the hollowed out peppers. Invert the peppers, on the tray with the onions, so that the garlic half bakes and half steams inside the peppers. Bake in the oven till soft, about 1 hour.

Once all the vegetables are cooked, allow it to cool, then remove the skin from the peppers and scrape out the flesh from the squash, discarding the seeds in the center. In a food processor, grind the onions into as fine a paste as possible. Add a little stock if necessary, then transfer it to a sieve. Squeeze out all the onion jus and as much of the onion as possible, and discard the part that is left in the sieve. Then blend the squash, peppers, and garlic together until smooth, adding stock as required. Add to the onion jus. Put in the pepper, cumin, sage, and salt, and mix together on a low flame, adding stock in small batches to thin to desired consistency. When it starts to bubble turn it off.

Take a whole Serrano chili, and run a knife along it’s length so that you break the skin on the chili but do not all the way through. Do this in 3 or 4 places and put it into the soup. Allow the soup to cool and put it away over night.

When heating up to serve, heat the soup on a medium flame, stirring frequently. Once it starts to bubble, lower the flame and add the cream. Serve with garlic toast or pieces of broiled smoked sausage. 

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